Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday Ap. 3/4 2018

Hon. Am. Lit Tuesday/Wednesday, Ap. 3/4  2018
Objectives: Can you...
RL.1 Identify main ideas around the plot of Cuckoo’s Nest
RL.3 Characterize McMurphy, Ratched, Bromden, Harding,
RI.5- Identify structures in article Annotated Bibliography #2  
W.1- Craft a specific, nuanced thesis using green sheet as a guide,
but making it your own.
1. Work on Mental Health Annotated bib. #3- due Friday, April  
6, uploaded by 11:59 pm
2. Quiz Thursday/Friday over part 3 & 4 of book and movie/book
3. General outline w/ @ least 3 quotes due Thursday/Friday Ap.

1. DOL- Numbers
2. Thesis
3. Watch remainder of movie
4. Discuss Ending of novel- 242-272
Drive home217-18
Ratched retaliation 220, 222-223; Shower 227-231
Disturbed EST- 235-239/gambling
Bibbit & mom-246-47
Turkle and night nurse 251
Last fling 254
Harding different 257
The end (Bibbit, Harding, Siefelt/Fredrickson/George
Scanlon and Chief and McMurphy

Chief’s end 272
5. Review???
6. The general outline…

2018 Sample Working Outline
Thesis: PROTOTHESIS (very simplified): Hollywood depiction
of Mental Health issues bad, ugh.
I.    Major Point- Focus on salacious details, not necessarily true
in diagnosis
A. Evidence/Example
1. Quote from “Girl Interupted”: “Wynona Rider
and Angelina Jolie hyper-sexualized and portrayed
as overly promiscuous rather than as manic in other
ways as the author intended.” (citation here)
B. Analysis of Evidence
1. Quote #2
2. Etc.
C. Evidence/Example
D. Analysis of Evidence
E. Evidence/Example
F. Analysis of Evidence
II.   Major Point- Little or no focus on more prominent mental
health issues.
A. Evidence/Example “According to mental health advocate
Mary Crazycurls, nearly seventy percent of all mental health
issue revolve around depression and the general psychosis
surrounding phobias and OCD.”
A. Evidence/Example

DOL Numbers
Rule #1: 1-10 write them out; as for the rest, generally use the
numbers, unless you need more clarity in sentence for some
reason. Hyphenate compound numbers (ex: eighty-three people)
Ex- unclear: The club celebrated the birthdays of 6 90-year-olds
who were born in the city.
Clearer: The club celebrated the birthdays of six 90-year-olds
who were born in the city.

Rule #2- Numbers at beginning of sentence spelled out.
Six super bowl appearances by the Patriots (2004-2018) have
pegged as the team to beat in the twenty-first century.
Rule #3- Date/Time: April 9, 2018 or the 18th of April in the
8:00 a.m. or eight o’clock in the morning
Rule #4- Be consistent
I hope to get 4s on my paper but three previous attempts have
yielded only 2s. (specific numerical score pluralized and can
have apostrophe or not--and I chose or not)

I ate two apples, six oranges, and three carrots.
NOT: I ate two apples, 6 oranges, and 3 carrots.

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