Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday/Friday Oct. 5-6 2017

Hon. Am. Lit Thursday/Friday Oct. 5-6
Objectives/Essential Question: Can You…
•RL.5/RI.5- Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her argument (what makes it clear, convincing, or engaging?)
RL.1/RL.3/RL.4- Cite text to support characterization and tone/word impact.

Book Talk: A Summer of Tom Clancy.  Biggest Surprise: the difference in Clear and Present Danger, and the movie from 1994 w/ Harrison Ford.

What book did you bring?
SSR: 10 min (Meeting w/ Into the Wild during this time

•Get into book groups. Share Dialectic Journal work- discuss noticings (remember, 1 vocab 2 passages for each chapter/ reading session). Discuss ch.7-8/ 13-16 N2Wild
In groups of 2 or 3 (not 4) craft a tweet summarizing what we need to know- kudos to the creative/humorous: 13 minutes only, so divide up the work
1. Buchanan's home and the Drive in,
2. Hotel hi-jinks,
3. the drive back, Myrtle...,
4. ch. 8 George Wilson timeline

N2Wild- In groups of 2 or 3 (not 4) craft a tweet summarizing what we need to know- kudos to the creative/humorous: 13 minutes only, so divide up the work
1. Summarize ch. 8-13- what is the function?
2. What do we learn about Krakauer’s journey,
3. Why go to Chris’ journey after ch. 15?,
4. What is the function of ch. 16?
5. What is Chris' major setbacks in ch. 16?

•Finish books for Monday/Tuesday
•Of Mice and Men- Jigsaw Experts article #3
•Everyone- read article #2 and fill out chart
OMAM share in table groups around class article #3 charting.
•Structures that make these arguments work (RI.5)?
Article #
Author’s point or Claim
Why you agree/disagree

•Overall, where is your opinion now (after reading 3 articles)?
•What worked?
•What did not?
•Writing about structure (RI.5)
TS- What devices/structures make points clear, convincing, and/or engaging

•Tone work: Get with your South Partner.
•Pick your favorite quote from your dialectic journal and explain what the tone is.

Read ch.9 Gatsby/OMAM / 17-Epilogue N2Wild

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