Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday/Friday Feb. 15/16 2018

Hon. Am. Lit Thursday/Friday, Feb. 15/16  2018
Objectives: Can you...
RL.1 Identify main ideas around the issue of Fake News and
Mental Health
W.1- Write Argumentative essay addressing prompt
RI.5- Identify structures in article and sample Annotated

Upload your Argumentative Essay by Tuesday, Feb. 20

Read 9-41 for Thursday/Friday Feb. 22/23

1. Check out Cuckoo’s Nest
2. Bad Love Poems
3. Read 9-41 for Thursday/Friday Feb. 22/23

4.Write Argumentative Essay using
a. Illustrating (tell me all about it-set up the context)--As part
of a tag line before quote or after quote analysis:
Unfortunately, as technology changes and more people are
exposed to new media formats, we often fail to understand
the ramifications as these platforms comes on line. As Tim Lee
pointed out, "The problem of fake news is so new that we don't
have a definitive data on how big of a problem it is."

b. Authorizing (According to experts/or idiots)--
Unfortunately, as technology changes and more people are
exposed to new media formats, we often fail to understand
the ramifications as these platforms comes on line. As Tim Lee,
boy wonder reporter of the liberal bastion Vox pointed out, "The
problem of fake news is so new that we don't have a definitive
data on how big of a problem it is."

c. Extending (“In Other Words")- Analogies are great here:
"The problem of fake news is so new that we don't have a
definitive data on how big of a problem it is." At this point,
it is just like throwing darts in the dark. Sure, some of these
problems pop up here and there and we can target them, but
just how many issues are we truly missing? In short, its probably
even worse than we think.

5. Work on your annotated bibliography. Turn in Annotated
Bibliography by 11:59 pm tonight.

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