Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Thursday/Friday May 10/11 2018

Hon. Am. Lit day,Thursday/Friday May 10/11 2018
Objectives: Can you...
W.3- identify various poetry parts and write poetic narrative
RL.1/RL.2/RL.3/RL.4- Identify language used to characterize
setting, plot and characters in Macbeth

Make sure your study questions are up to date.

1. SSR (12 min.)
2. Remember Poetry Work- Define and find examples
for Sound and Style sections

3. Presentations
Per. 1: Adin & Charis

4. Revision work periods 7 & 8
4. Period 1: Read Watch Macbeth Act 1, scenes 1-4
5. Read Act I, scenes 5-7
a. How does Lady Macbeth specifically feel about the news her
husband sends?
b. Why does Macbeth change his mind about “things”?
c. How does Lady Macbeth characterize her husband? How does
Shakespeare characterize her?

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